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Interview Checklist | Do's & Don'ts

  • Research the company - It's surprising how many candidates fail to do this. One question you will likely be asked will be what do you know about the business and why you want to work there. If you want to stand out from the others, do some research. It may also help you decide whether the company is right for you.
  • Practice your route getting there - This will be a life line as turning up late for an interview will be a big mark against your name and looks highly unprofessional. It will also be handy should you get the position and you need to ensure your journey to work will be practical.
  • Practice interview answers - Take a look at some of our own examples of the top interview questions you might be asked. Interviews are all about preparation, so practice. Ask friends or family to help out with role play, practise in front of the mirror to gain confidence in your answers. But remember, during the interview try and relax, you don't want your answers to come across as robotic.
  • Prepare your own questions - Normally, towards the end of your interview you will be given the opportunity to ask if you have any questions regarding the position. We highly recommend taking some with you. It shows genuine interest in the company and you want to ensure anything like holiday allowance, general policies are clear and this company will be the right fit for you too.
  • Interview Dress Code - First impressions are incredibly important therefore we would recommend that you attend the interview smartly dressed.
  • Check if there's anything you need to bring along - Again it's about being prepared, if in doubt bring all the documentation you think they may want to view, such as your cv, references, ID etc.
  • Leave yourself as much time as possible - The last thing you want is to run the risk of turning up late and getting stressed. Please account for traffic, diversions and remember public transport can be unreliable. By giving yourself plenty of time you can arrive as relaxed as possible and even get in some extra preparation while you wait.
  • Get physically prepared - Ensure you have a decent breakfast to start the day and finish any last preparations. You want to turn up feeling your best, it will help to add some extra confidence and an employer will see this.
  • Get there on time - We have already mentioned this in some of the other points but we cannot stress this one enough. Getting there late could ruin any chance you have and your interviewer may even refuse to see you. Remember they will normally be conducting a number of interviews throughout the day, so miss your allocated time and miss your opportunity.
  • Listen - During the interview always listen carefully, make sure you understand exactly what they are asking from you so you can provide a concise answer.
  • Highlight the benefits you can bring to the company - You want to show them you are above the other candidates. Think of the benefits you can offer them, maybe use examples from previous jobs. Show them that hiring you will be the best choice and be most beneficial to their company.
  • Relax and enjoy - This is easier said than done. If you have done all your preparations then there's not much more you can do, you know you have done your best when you walk out at the end of the interview. So, relax and have some confidence in yourself. This will come across far more positively than a nervous wreck. It is normal to be nervous but you can still sit back, relax and even enjoy the experience. Whatever the outcome, you have gained some valuable experience during this process.